Automatically create folders for clients in Google Drive with Zapier

In this video you’ll learn how to create Google Drive folders for new clients.

This is handy when you have clients signing up to your service and you don’t want to have to manually create their folder in your Google Drive. This same process works with most cloud storage like Dropbox.

We’ll start out with a really basic example and then build on it, taking it much further than just creating the folder.

You’ll see how to:

  • Create folders automatically
  • Create subfolders within that folder (new client folder structure)
  • Prevent folders being created multiple times
  • Automatically share folders and files with your client
  • Copy files for new clients (common files for each client)

For the trigger, I’m using Content Snare. This is a tool that helps collect files and information from clients. We want to create a folder in Google Drive when we request files from our client. Then, when they upload files to Content Snare, we’ll create a second workflow in a second video to add the files to that folder.

Picture of James Rose

James Rose

James is the co-founder of Content Snare - a software platform that helps professionals collect content & files from clients.

Once an automation engineer, his new priority is to help business owners regain their lives, be more productive and get more done in less time.

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